The Race to Revolutionise Brain-Computer Interfaces

Is the future of brain-computer interfaces a promise of liberation or an invasive peek into our thoughts? Beyond Neuralink's high-profile endeavours, numerous companies are making significant strides in the development of brain-computer interfaces (BCIs).

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This AI Model Can Predict Your Next Move

MIT's recent study unveils an AI model dubbed the Latent Inference Budget Model (L-IBM), capable of predicting human and machine actions by analyzing past behaviors and decision-making limitations.

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Enlightening AI: The Dawn of Photonic Computing

Tsinghua University's pioneering work in developing the 'Taichi' photonic computer chip represents a significant breakthrough in artificial intelligence technology. Unlike conventional AI chips that rely on electricity, the Taichi chip utilizes light to perform computations.

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The AI Oasis: Data Center Duel in the Desert

In a world where data is the new oil, Saudi Arabia and the UAE are locked in a fervent race, not over petroleum but over the prowess of AI. In this contest, every megawatt and data centre counts, echoing the broader global rush towards AI supremacy

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