Could Blockchain Prevent the Internet of Vulnerable Things?

The Internet of Things [] is coming. Unfortunately, connected devices have a variety of vulnerabilities and almost any smart device is a vulnerable device. Security issues include technical problems (outdated software, insecure data transmissions, etc.) and people problems (simple and default passwords, public Wi-Fi, etc.). As

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Are You Ready to Have a Robot as Your Boss?

Artificial intelligence (AI) and robots have slowly but steadily made their way into a variety of industries spanning fast food to the financial sectors. This expansion is projected to continue and is forecasted to replace a considerable amount of jobs. A Forrester report [

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3 Ways Blockchain Will Transform the Internet of Things

There is no denying the power of the Internet of Things (IoT). IoT devices are already in 60 percent of U.S. homes using a broadband connection [] , and an estimated 200 million vehicles will be connected [

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How Big Will the Internet of Things Be?

The Internet of Things is rapidly becoming a reality. Increasingly, everyday items are connected to the Internet ranging from smart thermostats to smart toothbrushes. In the coming years, the number of smart devices in our household could grow drastically as Gartner [] predicts that

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How Sensor Data Can Save You a Lot of Money

The Internet of Things, Industrial Internet, Internet of Everything, no matter how you name it, the future connected world will change everything and create massive amounts of sensor data. According to Cisco [] , it is going to be a $ 19 trillion market within the coming decade.

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How the Internet of Things Will Change Marketing

An industry that is expected to add $ 19 trillion [] to the Global GDP will definitely have an impact on all aspects of an organization. As such the Internet of Things will revolutionize marketing. Within a few years, thanks to

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Digital Twin