How Corona Will Change Organisations

Good Day! This is my weekly newsletter, with a dose of insights into the future. The topic of this newsletter is the exponential times we live in, hence the title of f(x) = e^x, which is the (natural) exponential function.
Recently, I launched my new concept The Digital Speaker and you can now book me as an avatar or hologram. Also, my tech trend prediction for 2021 is out, read it here!
5 Ways How the Corona Crisis Will Change Organisations

My latest article:
Humankind is facing the biggest crisis of our generation. Across the globe, economies are coming to a standstill. Globalisation has been put on pause, and once the virus recedes, we will have to get used to the '1,5-meter economy'. The longer it will last, the more significant the impact on our daily lives once the measures end especially because temporary measures taken during a crisis have a habit of remaining in place after the crisis is over. In 1-2 years, the Corona crisis will be over, but the changes in our economy will be long-term.
For companies, this means that doing business will change. Before the crisis, organisations knew they had to digitally transform their business, but there was no urgency. Now the urgency is there, and many organisations will speed up the process of digital transformation.
The longer the Corona crisis will last, the bigger the impact on how we do business. After this crisis, the world will be a different place.
Three Useful Nuggets of Information
My weekly tips from around the web to get you thinking.
1. The Coronavirus makes the internet stronger than ever.
Apart from breaking it, the enormous uptake in internet usage the world is seeing is driving major upgrades, making the internet stronger every day. (MIT)
2. But it also changed how we use the internet.
With the majority of people at home, we use the internet more, but we also use it differently. The virus has pushed us to our devices for work, play and connecting, but we are using our phones less and less. (NY)
3. In the category 'useless inventions'.
Stanford has made a toilet that identifies you based on your butthole to enable personalised health monitoring. Hm, not sure about this one. (Nature)