Fighting fake news

Good Day! This is my weekly newsletter, with a dose of insights into the future. The topic of this newsletter is the exponential times we live in, hence the title of f(x) = e^x, which is the (natural) exponential function.
Recently, I launched my new concept The Digital Speaker and you can now book me as an avatar or hologram. Also, my tech trend prediction for 2021 is out, read it here!
Datafloq Launches a New Initiative to Fight Fake News

My latest article:
There is a serious trust problem on the internet. A famous saying is “On the internet, nobody knows if you are a dog”. Though this anonymity is crucial for an open internet, we now live in a world where fake (news) is the new normal, trolls control the internet and online accountability is non-existent.
That is why, over the holidays, we have worked hard to relaunch Datafloq. We have completely redesigned the platform and at the same time, we have launched several great new features, including a browser plugin to fight fake news.
This plugin allows users to rate articles across the web. This will help to fight fake news and will give content a quality score and authors across the web a reputation. As such, authors can be held accountable for whatever news they will be spreading in a way that is fair, open while warranting the privacy of these authors and their commenters.
Through a detailed analysis of both AI and real-time reader feedback, articles across the web can be rated, based on their quality, fake news probability and the likelihood of plagiarism. Commenters will be awarded FLOQ tokens for their contribution. This tokenized approach will warrant active engagement. Authors that publish articles on Datafloq will also receive tokens depending on the quality of their article and their reputation. Datafloq also launched a new search engine. This will allow users to find articles, or authors, based on quality, reputation, fake news probability or plagiarism probability. An IMDB for articles and a novelty for the web.
I hope you will enjoy the relaunched Datafloq and find the browser plugin useful. Please install it, share it with your friends and start rating articles to improve the web for all.
Three Useful Nuggets of Information
My weekly tips from around the web to get you thinking.
1. How AI can help fix the world
From improving water resource management to helping solve the opioid crisis, AI is accelerating the pace of problem-solving to improve global challenges. (VentureBeat)
2. What will the world look like at the end of this decade?
Predicting is hard, especially when it comes to the future, but that does not stop people from trying. Therefore, here are six visions for 2030 from humans today that span space colonies, a genetic panopticon, and straight-up apocalypse. (Wired)
3. Eventually, everything will be encrypted, hopefully.
Securing all our data is becoming easier thanks to encryption management services based in the cloud, so, hopefully, in the future, more organisations will take their security seriously. (Wired)