How Big Data Turns CRM into Something Truly Valuable

Customer Relationship Management involves a company’s interaction with current and future customers. It is a combination of all customer touchpoints. It is a prerequisite to provide better customer service. CRM has always involved data, but most of it used to be structured data such as contact information, latest contacts,

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4 Ways Big Data Creates A Smarter Transportation Industry

The transportation sector is on the brink of a paradigm shift thanks to big data. Smarter transportation will result in operational efficiency, improved end-to-end customer experiences, reduced fuel consumption and increased flexibility. Logistics companies are already working hard to use sensor data in trucks to optimize routing and decrease fuel

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3 Powerful Applications of Using Analytics-as-a-Service

Analytics-as-a-Service is the combination of analytics software and cloud technology. Instead of hosting any analytics software on premises using your own servers, you use a ready-to-go solution that is easy to deploy and most of the time has a pay-as-you-go payment system. It is part of a larger ‘as-a-Service’ solutions

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How Big Data Will Drive Collaboration and Empowerment

Organisations need to apply big data analytics to make sense of their organisation. The impact of big data analytics on your organisation depends on the type of business analytics used. There are four types of analytics, ranging from descriptive and diagnostic analytics to more advanced predictive and prescriptive analytics [https:

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How to Win your Customers for Life with Predictive Analytics

Winning customers for life is a challenging task for organisations. How can you connect with your customer? How can you ensure that they stay with your organisation for a long time? What products for what price do your customers want? Questions that many organisations face. Fortunately, with the advance of

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How Big Data Security Analytics Will Protect Your Company

We live in an era of increased cyber threats. With dozens of companies and organisations being hacked on a daily basis and cyber-crime rising to new levels of hacking during the US elections, it is time for organisations to start protecting themselves. Big Data Security Analytics can help companies understand

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How to Close the Big Data Talent Gap at Your Organisation

Big data offers many benefits for organisations in all industries, but unfortunately, a lot of companies don’t reap these benefits yet. The reason is not that they don’t want to start with big data, nor that they don’t understand what big data is. The challenge many companies

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Digital Twin