Why We Should Embrace Technology to Change Globalisation

We live in a world where increasingly globalisation is under threat. The biggest threat comes from trade wars, started by Mr Trump, that could significantly harm the world economy. This week, the International Monetary Fund warned that Trump’s trade war could cost the global economy $430 billion in 2020

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Thanks to Emerging Technologies, the Future Will Never Be Slow Again

The fast-changing, uncertain and ambiguous environments that organisations operate in today, require organisations to re-think all their internal business processes and customer touch points. In addition, due to the availability of Emerging Information Technologies such as big data analytics, blockchain and artificial intelligence, it has become easier for startups to

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AI is Like Lego; Why You Should Hire a Chief AI Now

Artificial Intelligence is like Lego; to build something nice, you need to combine the right pieces in the right way. Most of us have played with Lego when we were small. I did at least and I absolutely loved it. I can remember the days when my friends and I

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Why the Organisation of the Tomorrow is a Data Organisation

The fast-changing, uncertain and ambiguous environments that organisations operate in today, requires organisations to re-think all their internal business processes and customer touch points. In addition, due to the availability of emerging (information) technologies such as big data, blockchain and artificial intelligence [https://www.thedigitalspeaker.com/future-artificial-intelligence-global-perspective/], it has become

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How Big Data Enables Developing An Open Strategy

Open strategy is the decentralisation of strategy formulation across, previously excluded, internal and external stakeholders. Traditionally, companies [https://sloanreview.mit.edu/article/the-era-of-open-innovation/] focused on control and ownership of an organisation’s assets to ensure competitive advantage. However, this focus on control of resources is no longer the key to

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The Top 7 Technology Trends for 2018

It is that time of the year again and 2017 is over before we knew it. The Year of Intelligence [https://datafloq.com/read/the-top-7-big-data-trends-for-2017/2493] brought us a lot of progress and change; from over-hyped ICO’s to algorithms that created secret languages. As every year since 2012, I

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Why Prescriptive Analytics Is the Future of Big Data

Big Data has ushered in an era of data analytics that is taking different forms, including prescriptive analytics. This type of business analytics helps you find the best approach for a specific circumstance. It is also considered the third or final part of business analytics [https://www.informationweek.com/big-data/

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How Conversational AI Will Change Customer Service

By 2020, approximately 20.4 billion devices are estimated to be connected to the internet [http://www.zdnet.com/article/iot-devices-will-outnumber-the-worlds-population-this-year-for-the-first-time/] . These IoT devices are getting smarter, connecting to intelligent applications [https://datafloq.com/read/the-top-7-big-data-trends-for-2017/2493], such as Amazon’s Alexa or Apple’s Siri, and helping consumers make

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How Artificial Intelligence Will Change Retail Banking

With technological advancement, artificial intelligence is set to touch and modify the financial sector, specifically retail banking in many different ways. It’s still the beginning stages of AI adoption for most banks. A Narrative Science survey [https://thefinancialbrand.com/63322/artificial-intelligence-ai-banking-big-data-analytics/] highlighted that 32 percent of financial executive participants

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How Big Data Can Help Save The Earth

The earth is having a difficult time, for quite a while now. Deforestation is still happening at a large scale across the globe, in Brazil alone, 40,200 hectares [http://www.redd-monitor.org/2014/10/31/what-next-brazils-deforestation-soared-by-290-in-september-2014/] were deforested in the past year. The great pacific garbage patch is still

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Digital Twin